How It Works

How It Works

How Does Transcription Work?

At TauRho, we work hard to make sure the process is as seamless and convenient for you as possible. All you have to do is send us your files.


Send us your files

Register in seconds and use our encrypted upload service on our portal to securely send over files. Perhaps you prefer your own file transfer process. We accept any (e.g. WeTransfer/Dropbox/G-Drive). Simply send your files to and we will do the rest.


Select your specifications

Our concise upload form is provided during registration and let’s us know how quickly you want your transcript returned and what type of transcription you require.


It’s in safe hands!

Our experienced transcribers will finalise your bespoke transcript to your specifications. TauRho is built on quality and precision. Our experienced team of proofreaders will get to work to ensure the transcript you receive is the highest quality.


Transcript Receipt

So, TauRho is quick, high quality and offers a cost effective way to get the bespoke transcripts you require. Now, you just need to download your transcripts from our secure portal, or we can send it direct to you via email or your preferred file transfer process.

Offers & Discounts

At TauRho, GDPR compliant transcription caters for your needs at fair and competitive prices. We offer a variety of offers and discounts and we have no hidden fees. For particular assignments, our additional fees are as follows: 10p per minute for medical, legal and highly technical language. 15p per minute for time-coding. 15p per minute for name identification where there are 5 or more speakers. For subtitling and copy-typing services, please request a direct quote either via registration or via emailing direct: We will aim to reply within the hour.


The COVID Discount

Verbatim Transcription: All audio/video with up to 4 speakers on any turnaround: £0.85 per minute. Verbatim Transcription: All audio/video with 5 or more speakers on any turnaround: £1.05 per minute.


The Volume Discount

Got a project over 1000 minutes of audio? We’ll knock 10% off all audio minutes after the first 500 minutes. Got a project over 2000 minutes? We’ll knock 10% off the project as a whole.


The Student Discount

We appreciate students usually welcome any discount they can find. We’ll knock 10% off any project you have (Deposit Required).

Examples of transcripts...

Excel Content Grid Example

Excel Content Grid Example

Seamless GDPR compliant transcription. Make your content analysis easy. We complete transcripts to your specifications, aligned with your line of questioning to provide a simple, easy to use format for research analysis.

Full Verbatim Example

Full Verbatim Example

For those clients who are looking for a comprehensive GDPR compliant transcription service, full verbatim provides exactly that. Every utterance is transcribed, including repetitions and fillers. Medical and legal dictation often require full verbatim, and our transcribers are experienced in providing this service swiftly and accurately.

Smart Verbatim Example

Smart Verbatim Example

Smart Verbatim means we convert audio files to text. There is no paraphrasing and no sentence restructuring. It is word for word, MINUS the extraneous material; so, no needless repetition, no background noise and no pointless fillers such as ‘ah’ or ‘um.’

Video Subtitling Example

Video Subtitling Example

Video subtitles made to your specifications. Choose from a range of options including SRT, Excel, .ass & text files for your subtitles. Join the video content revolution today.

Time Coding

We are totally flexible when it comes to time coding. We believe our clients know what is best for them; whether it is intervals coded by the minute, or determined by pagination, we can oblige.

Client Specific Requests

If you have a particular way in which you would like your transcripts formatted, that’s not a problem. Our GDPR compliant transcription service is bespoke and totally flexible. If you have a specific template which you would like us to use please supply an example and we can use that to customise all your future transcripts.

Client Testimonials

"Extremely fast and the work perfect. I used TauRho Transcribes for a piece of urgent work - the turnaround was extremely fast and the work perfect. I can highly recommend their services and will certainly use them again. Thanks guys! "
Jill Bennett, Executive District Manager, Arbonne Consulting
"I would recommend the service to those looking for care and attention. TauRho Transcribes provided me with a quick and efficient service of excellent transcription for a range of interviews I recently undertook. I would recommend the service to those looking for care and attention. "
Jonathon Silver, Leverhulme ECR Fellow, University of Sheffield
"Excellent, the quality of the transcript was excellent, thank you, and we would certainly like to use your service again. "
Mark Roberts, Publisher, Intelligence Squared
"Almost as though I was actually reliving the interview again! I was extremely pleased with the service provided by TauRho Transcribes. The staff were friendly and professional and answered my questions quickly, while the transcripts were of excellent quality – it was almost as though I was actually reliving the interview again! I wouldn’t hesitate to use this company again. "

Our Accreditations

MRS - London UK Services audio interview transcription translation copy typing subtitling services UK website translation
ICO Registered London UK audio interview transcription website translation copy typing subtitling services UK
ICG - UK London audio interview transcription translation copy typing subtitling services UK
BHBIA Membership - UK London transcription translation copy typing subtitling services UK
GDPR Ready- London UK audio interview transcription translation subtitling service agency